Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I've been on unannounced and unofficial hiatus from TimbreLeaf the last few months.  This has been for several reasons, but primarily due to the slump and/or rut in which I found myself.  It seemed the thought of writing had become a nagging self-imposed expectation I put on myself, and due to lack of time and inspiration this indeed lead it to feel like a chore rather than a love.

Since my last June post - besides working on the house - I've entered my 31st year, bought a Martin DC16-RGTE, read several great books, resigned from my job, and took a long vacation in Portland Oregon.  Autumn is fast approaching and I am embracing many changes in my life, attitude, and creative endeavors; my trip to Portland was a culmination of this harvest.  Rosemary and I timed the trip to coincide with MusicFestNW, five days filled with a wide variety of music of local and national acclaim.  You can expect to see a short post about the trip soon.  Other than the myriad of music at the MFNW, this summer I've ventured out to see Soundgarden, Bon Iver, and a few local shows at the Toadstool.
Soundgarden July 10th 2011 (Photo by Andrew Bruss)
I've done some soul-searching, meditation, and healing...and feel ready to get back to TimbreLeaf.  My vision of TimbreLeaf has changed a little; since I haven't posted at all in regard to music equipment and technique I plan to drop that idea.  It may resurface in the form of another blog, but for the time being I want to center my attention on one thing and grow TimbreLeaf into what I want it to be.  I plan on posting more and making pieces shorter - get my thoughts out and move on.  Posts will probably shift to music that is new to me and stray from well-known acts altogether.  The format will be much the same: reviews, links, and pretty pictures of vinyl.  Thank you to those who read and/or follow TimbreLeaf; your time and comments are very much appreciated.

Cheers ~

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