Sunday, March 11, 2012


When my friend Jeff mentioned a steam-powered record player last week I had to check it out and see for myself.  This is perhaps old news in some circles, but I feel compelled to share it here on Timbreleaf.  Simon Jansen's creation is far from fit for audiophiles, and indeed for anyone who actually wants to hear music...but it does work, is a bit insane, and I love it (further evidence that I am a geek).
Photo by Simon Jansen
You can read up on the basics of how it was made here.  Essentially, steam provides the power for the motor and the speed of the turntable is regulated by a servo-driven throttle that is controlled by a single-board microcontroller.  Control loop feedback is implemented with a coil to sense a set of magnets fixed to the spinning platter.  On first glance I thought of Seth Chatfield, a local artist here in New Hampshire.  Not only would he love this, but it would look right at home next to a few of his interesting creations.